
Nicole’s Story

Finding Strength with Spear Islington


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Nicole’s Empowering Journey: Finding Strength with Spear Islington

Nicole dropped out of school having developed severe depression, and later attempted suicide. Upon leaving hospital in November 2020, she was referred to the Spear Programme. This is her story.

Navigating the challenges of her father’s alcoholism and struggling to find her place in school,  Spear Islington, has been a support network that reshaped the trajectory of her life.

What started as six weeks of virtual sessions via Zoom during the pandemic has now become a journey to sustainable employment where Nicole is now a Apprentice Fibre Specialist. What seemed like a daunting task of getting onto Zoom with 12 other strangers and three Spear Coaches, the programme gave Nicole the courage to open up about her personal struggled, find confidence in herself and prepare her for work in ways she did not expected. The Spear coaches were championing and challenging her and Spear quickly became her pillars of support, actively engaging in her journey and fostering a newfound sense of self-worth.

Fast forward to the present, and Nicole’s narrative has taken a positive turn. Spear became not just a platform for self-reflection but a gateway to unforeseen job opportunities. Landing a role in telecoms might sound surreal, but with the unwavering support of her coaches and the camaraderie of her newfound community, Nicole excelled in the interview and secured the position.

Post-Spear, Nicole stands as a testament to personal growth, stating, “I actually matter now. It’s not just me talking to an empty room!” The program ignited a spark within her, empowering her to recognize the significance of her voice.

Reflecting on the program’s impact, Nicole passionately expresses, “You can’t put a price on things like this. It’s going to change lives, just as it did for me.” Nicole’s journey underscores that Spear Islington is more than a program; it’s a supportive community reminding individuals that they are not alone—they have a meaningful place in this world.

Learn more about the Spear Programme here. 

