Spear Brighton Trust is fully committed to the welfare and safeguarding of all trainees, staff and partners, and all staff are trained and equipped accordingly.

Safeguarding Policy

Spear Brighton has a safeguarding policy and procedures in place that are in accordance with locally agreed inter-agency procedures.  This includes having a Designated Officer who is specially trained to deal with safeguarding concerns and liaise with other agencies as necessary. The Policy outlines the action staff should take if they are concerned that an adult or young person is suffering significant harm or is likely to do so, and the action that should be taken to promote the welfare of anyone in need of additional support, even if they are not suffering harm or are at immediate risk.

If you are concerned about a current Spear trainee, please call us and speak to the Centre Manager. Spear policies and procedures relating to Safeguarding and welfare are reviewed and updated at least annually and are available on request.
